
Shafston International College-Brisbane

  • - 위치 : 도시지역
  • - 한반정원 : 11-15명
  • - 운영레벨 : 7레벨
  • - 국적비율 : 10-15%

브리즈번 강 유역에 1996년에 설립된 Shafston은 창설 이래 60,000 여명의 학생들을 배출하며 호주에서 해당 유형의 가장 큰 학교로 성장했습니다. 영어, 비즈니스, TESOL 및 관광경영학에 대한 다양한 교과과정을 제공하며 교육의 높은 수준에 자부심을 가지고 있습니다. 자질을 갖춘 직원들은 학생들의 성공을 위해 모든 노력을 기울이고 있으며 훌륭한 교육시설과 더불어 16년 이상의 교육 노하우를 제공하고 있습니다.

Shafston은 일반영어, 시험 준비과정(IELTS, TOEIC, TOEFL, Cambridge, Cambridge Business English) 및 기타 Business 분야의 프로그램을 제공하고 있으며 Shafston House를 중심으로 브리즈번 근교의 캠퍼스와 Gold Coast, 총 2개의 캠퍼스를 가지고 있습니다. 이 2개의 캠퍼스는 뛰어난 교수법과 교육 시설뿐만 아니라 학생들이 대학 캠퍼스의 분위기를 즐기며 공부할 수 있게 해줍니다.

브리즈번 캠퍼스
퀸즐랜드주의 심장부이자 주도인 브리즈번은 빠르게 성장하는 도시로 공부하는 동안 아르바이트를 통해 비용을 절감 할 수 있습니다. 부촌인 Kangaroo Point 강변에 자리한 브리즈번 캠퍼스는 도시 근교의 편리함과 더불어 아름다운 정원 그리고 평화로운 교육 환경을 제공합니다.

또한 캠퍼스 내에 위치한 Shafston University Mansion 은 12층 건물로 이중 9개층에서 최대 350여명의 학생들이 머물 수 있는 기숙사로 제공됩니다. 이 외에도 여러 개의 컴퓨터실을 비롯하여 도서관, 학습 자료실을 가지고 있으며 학생들이 건강관리를 할 수 있도록 Fitness Centre 시설도 제공하고 있습니다.

학교위치 46 Thorn Street, Kanggaroo Point, Brisbane, QLD 4169, Australia

연락처 TEL : 61-7-3249-4111
FAX : 61-7-3391-0943

가까운공항Brisbane 국제공항에서 15km 거리

  • General English
    General English

    ㆍ25 Hours per Week
    ㆍ7 Levels (Beginner~Advanced)
    ㆍMorning Core Classes 09:00-12:15,
    Afternoon Elective Classes 13:15~15:15

    General English prepares students for the kind of English they will need in everyday situations. Class programs are designed to effectively develop communication skills and fluency in speaking, listening, reading, writing and grammar (core skills). Our teaching styles encourage interactive language use so you will have many opportunities to practise the skills you are learning.

    In the morning, classes intensively focus on core skills.

    In the afternoon classes at Beginner to Pre-Intermediate levels focus on Speaking, Listening and Pronunciation. Students at these levels are given extra help to improve their spoken English and comprehension quickly and effectively. Afternoon classes for Intermediate to Advanced level students consist of a range of afternoon electives which allow students to concentrate on a particular area of need. We offer only focused intensive electives, not unproductive 'activities', 'self access' or 'videos'. We include activities such as these for free, after class in our Clubs program.

    Afternoon electives are only available at the Brisbane Campus.


    ㆍPronunciation and SpeakingㆍGrammar FocusㆍWriting Workshop
    ㆍListeningㆍTheme Work

    ㆍCore Skills (Focus on Grammar, Speaking/Pronunciation, Writing)
    ㆍEnglish for Business ㆍIELTS Exam Preparation ㆍTOEIC Exam Preparation and
    ㆍTOEFL Exam Preparation

    Sample Homework
    ㆍAre you a risk-taker? (from text book)
    ㆍLanguage summary in text book
    ㆍProject: Prepare interviews for Friday
    ㆍPrepare writing exercise from text book for next Tuesday
    ㆍLanguage summary in text book; Grammar check up

    Afternoon Clubs
    ㆍCooking ClubㆍMusic ClubㆍPronunciation ClubㆍSports ClubㆍFilm Club
    주당레슨 : 25시간
    한반명수 : 14명
  • IELTS Preparation Program
    IELTS Preparation Program

    ㆍ25 hours per week
    ㆍStudents per class: 14
    ㆍMock Exams: 1 per fortnight

    The Academic English program is a full-time IELTS test preparation course for students at intermediate level or above. This program thoroughly prepares the student for all aspects of the IELTS examination ? reading, writing, listening and speaking.

    A specific IELTS (International English Language Testing System) score is now required by many Australian and British universities and colleges as a qualification for entry into a formal program. It is a comprehensive test of English language proficiency designed to assess the ability of non-native speakers. It is highly recommended for those who need to use English in an Academic or Professional context.

    The program consists of sixteen modules of work, each with a particular functional grammar and topic area focus. The purpose of this is to expose students to a wide range of language, which is logically and cohesively organised. Within this format the following skills are taught and practised:

    ㆍAcademic speaking skills;
    social and transactional conversation, discussion, giving oral reports, interview skills
    ㆍAcademic listening skills;
    understanding lectures, social and transactional conversations, news broadcasts, TV and movies; note-taking
    ㆍAcademic reading skills;
    scanning and skimming; identifying main ideas and details; summarising; identifying writer’s opinions
    ㆍAcademic writing skills;
    constructing cohesive paragraphs; writing essays; writing summaries; describing tables and graphs;
    using academic writing functions such as explaining causes and effects, describing processes, comparing and contrasting

    Skills covered include:
    ㆍListening and Note Taking
    ㆍAcademic Reading and Writing
    ㆍVocabulary Extension
    ㆍStudy Skills
    ㆍReport and Essay Writing
    ㆍLibrary and Research Skills

    IELTS exams are held every four weeks in Brisbane, and Shafston can assist you to register for the exam. Each module of the exam is graded separately as a ‘Band Score’. The module scores are added together to provide an overall Band Score. Band scores range from 1 (non user) to 9 (expert user). Most universities and institutions of higher education will ask for an overall Band Score (generally between 5.5 for undergraduate programs to 6.5 for post-graduate programs).

    Students have regular exam practice sessions using past IELTS papers. They learn IELTS exam techniques and strategies for achieving the best possible result. Students can join this program on any Monday. All students are tested before joining this program.

    Sample Homework
    ㆍAre you a risk-taker? (from text book)
    ㆍLanguage summary in text book
    ㆍProject: Prepare interviews for Friday
    ㆍPrepare writing exercise from text book for next Tuesday
    ㆍLanguage summary in text book; Grammar check up

    Afternoon Clubs
    ㆍCooking ClubㆍMusic ClubㆍPronunciation ClubㆍSports ClubㆍFilm Club
    주당레슨 : 25시간
    한반명수 : 14명
  • Cambridge Exam Preparation
    Cambridge Exam Preparation

    Shafston is one of Australia’s largest providers of preparation programs for the University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations

    Cambridge exams are highly valued by employers in many countries, especially Europe. Shafston offers a very wide range of Cambridge preparation programs including all levels of the main suite exam preparation programs (PET, FCE, CAE and CPE) as well as the Cambridge Business Certificate (BEC Vantage) exam preparation program.

    We guarantee to offer every Cambridge program that we advertise, and pride ourselves on delivering a first-class exam preparation program delivered by well-respected Cambridge specialists.

    Available Courses
    ㆍPreparation Course for the Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency Exam - CRICOS Course Code: 038097F
    ㆍPreparation for Cambridge Business English Certificate - CRICOS Course Code: 070044G
    ㆍPreparation for Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English - CRICOS Course Code: 070045G
    ㆍPreparation for Cambridge First Certificate - CRICOS Course Code: 070043J
    ㆍPreparation for Cambridge Preliminary English Test (PET) - CRICOS Course Code: 046000J

    Exam Success
    Shafston students consistently score highly on Cambridge examinations. Preparation is rigorous. Included in every program is a full day of mock practice exams once every month for all papers.

    There are three classes of passing grade available for the main-suite exams: A, B and C. If a candidate scores below a C but achieves good marks they may receive a certificate indicating language level. All candidates are provided with a Statement of Results which includes a graphical display of the candidate’s performance in each paper. These are shown against the scale Exceptional ? Good ? Borderline ? Weak and indicate the candidate’s relative performance in each paper. Passing candidates are awarded a certificate.

    Computer-Based Cambridge Exams
    Shafston students studying in a Cambridge exam course will sit the cutting-edge, computer-based exam at Shafston Cambridge Exam Centre right here on the premises.

    Course books and learning materials
    All students are supplied with the latest exam preparation course books and other supplementary materials for the course. Students are also encouraged to purchase an Advanced Learners Dictionary.
    주당레슨 : 25시간
    한반명수 : 14명
  • Shafston Flexi Cambridge
    Shafston Flexi Cambridge

    Shafston Flexi Cambridge is an open course for students from B1 ? C1. It is ideal for students who would like to study a focused exam class and not quite ready to commit to the exam but keen to have a flexible start date and course length.

    Preparing strong upper-intermediate to advanced students with the language functions and skills to complete the CAE exam, focusing on reading and use of English, writing, listening, and speaking.

    주당레슨 : 25시간
    한반명수 : 14명
  • 현재 진행 중인 혜택이 없습니다.