General English
일반 영어 General English
Standard English
Standard English Course의 목표는 학생들이 정확하고 자신감 있게 영어를 사용하도록 돕는 것입니다. 학생들은 일반적인 영어 실력을 향상시키고, 가장 중요한 의사 소통 방법을 배웁니다.
여러 상황에서 영어를 사용하는 방법, 다른 문화의 사람들과 상호 작용하는 방법, 더 나은 언어 학습자가되는 법을 배우게 됩니다.
ㆍ 주당 20 시간 수업 : 월요일-금요일, 9:00-12:40
ㆍ 한 반에 최대 8 명
ㆍ 자격 레벨 : CISL Basic (A1) 이상
Standard English Plus (F1 only)
ㆍ 표준반 + 자율 학습 수업
ㆍ 주당 21.8 수업
집중 영어 프로그램 Intensive English Program
CISL 집중 영어 프로그램은 학생들에게 오전엔 일반적인 영어 실력을 향상시키고, 오후에는 특정 내용이나 특정한 영역에 집중할 수 있는 기회를 제공합니다.
학생들은 오전에 스탠다드 영어 과정을 수강하고 오후 선택 과목 수업을 참여 하게 됩니다.
ㆍ 모닝 코스 (Standard English Course: 20 시간 수업)
월요일-금요일, 9:00-12:40
ㆍ 오후 선택 과목 (옵션 : 8 시간) 월요일-목요일 1:30-3:10 pm
- 회화 영어
- 비즈니스 영어
- English for Academic Purposes (EAP)
주당레슨 : 주20-28레슨
한반명수 : 최대 8명
Exam Preparation Course
Exam Preparation Courses
TOEFL Course
ㆍ6주 과정, 주20레슨 (여름 4주 제공)
ㆍMonday-Friday 9:00-12:40
ㆍIntermediate 레벨(B1) 이상
ㆍ무료 모의시험 제공
IELTS Course
Cambridge English : First (FCE)
ㆍ주20레슨 (Monday-Friday 9:00-12:40)
ㆍ주28레슨 (San Diego only)
ㆍIntermediate 레벨(B1) 이상
Cambridge English : Advanced (CAE)
ㆍ주20레슨 (Monday-Friday 9:00-12:40)
ㆍ주28레슨 (San Diego only)
ㆍHigh-Intermediate 레벨(B2) 이상
주당레슨 : 주20-28레슨
한반명수 : 최대 8명
Global Success English
Global Success English
The small groups of CISL’s Global Success course (no more than 4 students per class) allow ambitious business students and professionals the opportunity to improve their English skills in classes focused on business and commerce. Students give daily mini-presentations, work together on projects to develop confidence in group communication, and receive instruction designed specifically to enhance their English skills as related to business.
Global Success English Program Global Success courses are designed for ambitious learners, executives, and professionals who want to be successful in the global economy. These courses are taught in small groups (1:1 or 1:4 per class) to ensure that students benefit from a high level of individual attention. Every lesson has clear objectives designed to achieve results quickly. Classes are structured to maximize the contact time between students and the instructor. All CISL Global Success teaching staff are highly qualified instructors with extensive business experience who are committed to making sure that students achieve their goals.
. Gain confidence in speaking for meetings and presentations
. Improve writing skills for business reports, emails, and business letters Increase general and industry-specific vocabulary
. Increase comprehension and speed of reaction
. Learn effective communication in everyday situations
The Global Success program is based on a balanced practice of various language skills in groups of up to 4 participants: building vocabulary and spoken language skills, improving analysis of written texts, coaching in writing letters, emails, and reports, and giving presentations.
. Daily mini-presentations
. Group lessons to increase command of grammar structures, idioms, vocabulary, and spoken and written expression
. Group projects for real-life practice in presentations
. Group performance activities to help develop confidence in group communication
주당레슨 : 주20레슨
한반명수 : 최대 4명
Private Lessons
Private Lessons
개인 레슨은 학생 개개인의 필요와 목표에 따라 수업이 정해집니다.
학생들은 개인 레슨만 등록하거나 다른 코스 (일주일에 30 명까지)에 추가 할 수 있습니다.
ㆍ 일정 : 학생 및 강사의 사정에 따라 결정됩니다.
ㆍ 수업 자격 요구 사항 없음
ㆍ 일 대 일 수업
Afternoon Elective
Afternoon Elective
. Conversational English
. Business English
. English for Academic Purposes (EAP)
주당레슨 : 주8레슨
한반명수 : 최대8명
Academic Year Program
Academic Year Program
The Academic Year Program (AYP) gives students the opportunity to improve their general and academic English skills at CISL and then attend a semester at Grossmont college in California with the guidance of an on-site AYP Coordinator. It is popular with recent high school graduates taking a gap year and with students who want to attend an American college for one semester.
Ambitious students who want to experience American college life can appreciate the adventure of studying in a college in a new country with the support of CISL along the way. CISL helps students to prepare for their semester academically, personally, and linguistically. Before their first college semester, students have made friends, honed their English skills, and received guidance from CISL staff. CISL students are able to enjoy their first American college
experience without stress.
Students in the CISL Academic Year Program must study at least 16 weeks at CISL and enroll in one semester at a participating college. The specific CISL course plan depends on each student’s language proficiency and goals, but most students take a combination of the following courses:
. Morning Courses: Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m.-12:40 p.m. (Several course options; contact school for details.)
. Afternoon Elective Courses: Monday-Thursday, 1:30 p.m.-3:10 p.m. * English for Academic Purposes (EAP) (minimum 12 weeks required)
. Required level: CISL upper-intermediate (B2)
주당레슨 : 주20-28레슨
한반명수 : 최대 8명
University Pathway
University Pathway
The CISL Pathway Program offers international students the chance to study and obtain a degree at a U.S. college or university with the help of an on-site CISL Pathway Coordinator. This program is open to all CISL students who have
completed the equivalent of a U.S. high school education and at least 12 weeks of a CISL morning class plus the 12-week CISL English for Academic Purposes (EAP) course.
The CISL Pathway Program provides students access to its Pathway partners (oftentimes securing the student admission without submitting English proficiency exam scores, such as TOEFL or IELTS) but students must still apply for admission to the college or university.
주당레슨 : 주20-28레슨
한반명수 : 최대 8명
Career English Program
Career English Program
Career English Program positions are unpaid and are focused on improving the student’s English skills. This is not a job training program. Placement is subject to a successful interview. Students provide their top three choices of desired fields and should have prior education or experience in those fields. Specific fields/positions are not guaranteed.
. Minimum English proficiency level of CISL upper intermediate (B2)
. At least one year of experience or education in the requested field
. 6+ weeks of English classes followed by 6-8 weeks placement with a local business (program length: 12-14+ weeks)
. English proficiency/needs assessment via Skype prior to arrival
. Supervision by the CISL Career English Coordinator
. An official letter of recommendation upon successful completion of the course
. Certificate of completion showing company’s name