General English Program (ESL)
General English Program (ESL)
At UMC, each of our classes has specific expectations and outcomes creating skills focused classes allowing for maximization of our 4 week terms. Different classes are allocated to different skills taking into account both accuracy and fluency with the ultimate goal of language production. Students are exposed to a Canadian classroom experience with emphasis on tasks and activities leading to a fun learning environment.
ㆍHighly qualified TESL Canada certified teachers.
ㆍSmall classroom sizes (max. 8 students) to optimize teacher-student interaction.
ㆍMonthly report card with teachers’ comments
ㆍPersonally tailored program
ㆍVarious elective programs
ㆍ1 lesson = 45 minutes
ㆍ4 weeks per level
ㆍ90-minute classes consisting of 45-minute
ㆍLevel 1 to 12
ㆍProgram: Standard, Intensive, Super Intensive, Afternoon course, Premium, Premium Gold, Premium Platinum
주당레슨 : 20/28/32레슨
Elite Power Speech
Elite Power Speaking
UMC is offering a new full-time speaking program, Elite Power Speaking. EPS is a program developed to provide students with the practical speaking skills, opportunity and practice to fluently communicate in English. Through weekly topics taken from everyday and frequent situations, students are given greater exposure to authentic material leading to students hearing and thereby being able to speak and produce the language. Following current trends in second language education, special techniques are used to improve oral fluency and accuracy at a fatser pace.
주당레슨 : 28/32레슨
IELTS Preparation
IELTS Preparation
The UMC IELTS program is specifically designed to ensure students who successfully complete it receive a minimum of 6.5 on the test. This is accomplished through instruction based on skills and strategies; intensive drilling; and specific strategies. The classes focus on the four sections of the test: reading, writing, listening and speaking. The combination of strategy and skill training and intensive practice pushes students to develop the necessary skills to master the IELTS test in a condensed amount of time.
Our Test Preparation Programs are guaranteed programs in which UMC guarantees specific minimum scores. Students who have successfully completed our programs and have not achieved this minimum mark are given free 4 weeks extra on the school.
주당레슨 : 28/32레슨
University & College Pathway Program (EAP)
EAP (Academic English) (Over Level 12)
The English for Academic Purposes program at UMC is a College Pathway program designed to give international students the required skills and strategies to be successful in a Canadian college or university.
The primary advantage of the EAP program at UMC is the integrated approach taken by our instructors. Unlike other schools which may focus more heavily on reading and writing, UMC takes a holistic approach to learning, and aims for well-rounded students. It is a fast-paced academic environment that is intensive with no “hand-holding.
. Students who successfully complete this program can enter Centennial College . . without any further entrance exam.
. Integrated-balanced lessons that include all four skills.
. Foundation based to ensure future success.
. Fast-paced environment that is intensive with no hand-holding.
. Acquisition of long-term study permit through our EAP program plus college . acceptance letter.
. Personal and friendly counseling for college / university admission and major selection.
. Campus tour and college workshop offered.
주당레슨 : 32레슨
Business English
Business English
This program is designed for intermediate to high intermediate level students who would like to speak and write professionally. Organizations with global aspirations and mandates have depended on a common language ? Business English ? so that global teams can communicate and collaborate as one. This program reflects this through the authentic tasks and assignments that students will be required to do when they begin employment in a business world.
. Highly-qualified instructors have an outstanding international business knowledge, business teaching experience and a huge passion.
. One-on-one career coaching to assist student job search in cover letter and resume writing and interview techniques.
. Professional English Communication skill Development.
. Opportunities to gain practical experience through completing an internship.
. Great advantage in the job market and much greater flexibility for working abroad.
. Maximum opportunities to speak and ask questions in small-sized class.
주당레슨 : 28/32레슨
ACE Korean
ACE (Advanced English) Kor-Eng
. 한-영 통,번역 이중언어수업.
. 두 언어 간 즉시전환 기술학습 가능한 통역&번역 수업.
. Ontario 주에서 인정하는 CILISAT 공식 테스트 신청가능
주당레슨 : 28레슨
Administrative Office Assistant Co-op Diploma (AOA)
Administrative Office Assistant Co-op Diploma (AOA): UMC Career College 제공
This program provides you with appropriate administrative and technological skills to meet the demands of today’s business world. As a student in the program, you will acquire a solid foundation of administrative office procedures including Computer Skills; Typing Skills; Word Processing; Spreadsheets; Business English including document preparation and formatting: Customer Service Skills, and Financial Concepts for Business. The program is also designed to assist students in developing literacy skills in every course as you interpret detailed instructions, both verbal and written, and prepare documents, letters, and reports. Fluency in English is critical for your success, and there is a focus on communicating effectively throughout the program. Field placement will assist you in transferring the learned skills and knowledge to the work environment while you continue to develop your English skills.
. 총 기간 56주 (방학 포함): 학업 24주 (총 480시간) + Co-op 24주 (총 480시간)
. 입학조건: 고등학교 졸업자, IELTS 5.0 (혹은 UMC ESL Level 10 이수)
대상나이 : 13세이상
Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL)
Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL): UMC Career College 제공
This program gives you both the theory and teaching practice necessary in the English language teaching industry. At UMC, we offer full-time of intense learning, which involves a minimum of 120 hours with additional time required for preparation and assignments.
Our TESL course provides observed teaching practice experience with multilingual English language learners from all over the world, follows the TESL Canada guidelines for teaching English as a Second Language, and provides practical and professional awareness of learners, language, methodology, and materials. Also, we develop practical ability in classroom management, lesson planning, introductions, and practice of new language, and the development of listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.
. 총 기간: 5주 (학업 4주 + 실습 1주)
. 입학조건: IELTS 6.0 (혹은 UMC ESL 레벨 12 이수) / 고등학교 졸업자