

  • - 브리즈번 중심지 트랜짓센터 도보 3분
  • - 개인의 습득속도에 맞춘 수업
  • - 효율적인 영역별 레벨맞춤수업
  • - 매주 개인면담 통한 레벨이동
  • - 3층 단독건물, 전용 도서관
  • - 위치 : 도시지역
  • - 한반정원 : 평균13명
  • - 운영레벨 : 7레벨

Langports의 목표는 전 세계 학생들에게 최고의 영어 학습 경험을 제공하는 것입니다. Langports는 자체적인 멀티 레벨 브리즈번 및 골드코스트 캠퍼스를 보유하고 있으며, 각 도시의 중심부에 위치한 현대적인 시설을 갖추고 있습니다. 다양한 혁신적인 과정을 제공하며, 학생들이 각자의 목표에 맞춰 영어를 배울 수 있도록 돕고, 매주 1:1 상담을 통해 학생들이 목표를 달성할 수 있도록 지원합니다.

Langports를 특별하게 만드는 것은 코스뿐만 아니라 사람들입니다. 친절한 학생 서비스 팀은 숙소 및 공항 픽업을 주선하고, 다양한 소셜 이벤트를 마련하여 학생들이 전 세계에서 온 친구들을 만날 수 있도록 돕습니다. 80개 이상의 다양한 국적을 가진 학생들이 Langports에서 영어를 공부하며 독특하고 특별한 학교 경험을 했습니다.

학교위치 343 Albert Street, Brisbane, QLD, Australia

연락처 TEL : 61-7-3210-0522
FAX : 61-7-3229-9198

가까운공항브리즈번 공항

  • UFO English
    UFO English

    Uniquely, the course is designed so that you will have different classes for your skills (grammar, writing, reading, listening & speaking) that are always at your level. On the first day, you will take some short tests and you will be given a level from 1-6 for each of the 4 macro-skills (listening, reading, writing, speaking) and for grammar. In addition, you will choose an OPTIONS class for the afternoons. Therefore, depending on your skills, you could potentially have six different classes and six different teachers every week.
    Every Monday, you will have an individual interview with your USE teacher to review your progress. If you develop your skills quickly, you can move through the levels at your own pace, optimising your learning progress.

    Personalised timetable ? different classes/levels for macro-skills
    Available for students of all levels (each level takes approximately 10 weeks to complete)
    Regular progress reports and weekly feedback
    Long-term students are tracked and receive academic counselling to ensure they continue to progress
    Part-time course available for over 18 years old students on a Working Holiday Visa or Tourist Visa
    Under 18 years old students and Student Visa holders must study full time
    주당레슨 : 20시간
    한반명수 : 평균14명
  • English for Academic Purposes
    English for Academic Purposes
    It combines the two elements required to enter and succeed in a vocational or tertiary program in Australia: IELTS exam preparation and academic preparation. In this course, you will be taught how to complete tasks and assignments expected at a university level, including:
    ? A 2000 word academic essay. Development of your research skills, speed reading, note taking, drafting, writing and referencing skills!
    ? Individual and group presentations where you will gain confidence at presenting academic material in front of a class, all in English!

    Pre-test required for entry ? minimum level -upper-intermediate (equivalent to IELTS 5.0 with no sub-band less than 5.0)
    Regular progress reports and weekly feedback from our greatly experienced teachers over your performance
    Academic counselling and assistance with further tertiary studies
    Direct pathways available to universities in Australia
    주당레슨 : 20시간
    한반명수 : 최대 18명/평균 14명

    IELTS is Langports’ unique intensive IELTS preparation program. To help you succeed at the test, our experienced IELTS teachers will help you improve the 4 major skills essential for the exam ? listening, reading, speaking and writing ? but also provide an in-depth focus on “micro skills” such as spelling, grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, intonation, speaking strategies and much more!

    2 modules available (Module A & Module B)
    Pre-test required for entry (minimum level required for IELTS is 4.5)
    Intensive training for the academic version of the exam
    Regular progress reports and weekly feedback
    주당레슨 : 20시간
    한반명수 : 최대 18명/평균 14명
  • Cambridge Closed Courses
    Cambridge Closed Courses

    Langports offers a choice of traditional Cambridge ‘closed courses’ for FCE, CAE and CPE. Students all start on the same fixed start dates and complete the paper-based exam at the end of the course.

    FCE, CAE & CPE levels
    . 주당 20 hours per week
    . 한 반 정원
    - FCE/CAE : 최대 16명 , 평균 14명
    - CPE : 최대 10명, 평균 6명
    . Paper Based Exam & Retreat compulsory
    주당레슨 : 20시간
    한반명수 : 최대 16명/평균 13명
  • TOEIC Plus
    TOEIC Plus is Langports’ 5 week intensive TOEIC exam preparation course. In this course, you will study an extensive range of grammar structures and vocabulary, complete written assignments and deliver oral presentations. Our highly experienced teachers will also provide you with extensive TOEIC test practice and test taking skills and strategies. At the end of the course, you will demonstrate the necessary skills to take the TOEIC exam and to accurately communicate in a professional/business environment.

    Entry Level : Minimum Pre-intermediate
    Pre-test required
    Regular progress reports and weekly feedback
    You are recommended to take the TOEIC exam following this course
    주당레슨 : 20시간
    한반명수 : 최대 18명/평균 14명
  • 현재 진행 중인 혜택이 없습니다.