
Navitas English-Sydney Hyde Park

  • - 최고의 교사진, 체계적인 영어교육
  • - English Only Policy 정책 운영
  • - 영어 교사 양성 기관 운영
  • - 명문대학 포함 50개 대학의 연계 과정
  • - 영어교사 양성과정, 수준높은 영어과정
  • - 위치 : 도시지역
  • - 한반정원 : 13-15명
  • - 운영레벨 : 6레벨
  • - 국적비율 : 9%(2016년)

Navitas English Group

여러분의 목표가 대학교 진학이든, 취업기회 개선이든 단순히 글로벌 사회 네트워크와의 의사소통에 필요한 기술을 익히고 싶던지간에 영어를 배우는것은 기회의 세계를 열어주지만, 이는 혼자서 해낼수 없습니다.

나비타스 잉글리쉬는 당신의 완벽한 파트너입니다. 호주에서 가장 큰 영어교육 기관으로 전세계 50여 개국에서 온 관심이 많은 25,000명 이상의 학생들과 함께 공부하고 가장 포괄적인 프로그램들중 개인적인 필요에 따라 선택할수 있으며, 다른 곳과 비교할 수 없는 아름다운 캠퍼스 환경에서 공부할 수 있는 기회를 제공합니다.

거의 30년 동안, 높은 수준의프로그램을 제공하겠다는 저희의 의지와 국제 학생들을 가르쳐 온 경험을 통해 본교는 시험 준비 과정의 뛰어난 제공자, 학생들을 위한 혁신적인 서비스와 프로모션을 구축하는 데 있어 업계의 선두 주자로, 학생들에게 호주내 50여 명문 대학에 곧바로 입학할 수 있는 기회를 제공할 수 있습니다.

시드니, 브리스번, 퍼스, 다윈, 캐언즈, 멜본 등에 Navitas English 캠퍼스가 있어 캠퍼스 간의 전학이 가능합니다 ('Airlink' 서비스). 또한 매월 바뀌는 다양한 문화, 환경 체험 프로그램인 'Boomerang Club' 을 운영하고 있습니다. 최상의 학교시설과 도심과 해변에 위치한 캠퍼스 환경을 제공하고 있습니다.

전체 센터는 현대적인 냉방시설, 평균 13-15명의 소규모 클라스, 개인 강의 옵션, 무료 Wi-Fi 컴퓨터 센터, 영어 연습에 도움이 되는 ‘오직 영어(English Only)’정책, 현지인 가족과 함께하는 홈스테이를 포함한 숙박 지원을 제공하며, 사교 활동 담당 직원은 다른 학생을 만나고 현지 지역을 최대한 즐길 수 있도록 돕습니다.

저희는 학생들이 진지한 학습 목표를 가지고 있지만 호주 생활 중 잊을수 없는 경험 또한 원한다는것을 알고 있습니다. 저희의 사명은 학생들이 목표를 달성 지원과 이 유학 경험이 평생 기억 할 수 있도록 모든 기회를 제공하는 것입니다. 저희는 당신이 나비타스 잉글리쉬 커뮤니티로 환영할 날을 기대합니다.

Navitas English Sydney centres offer...
   ㆍ Qualified and experienced teachers
   ㆍ Private tuition
   ㆍ Modern air conditioned premises
   ㆍ Computer centre and free Wi-Fi
   ㆍ Self-access resource centre
   ㆍ Academic counsellors
   ㆍ Accommodation office
   ㆍ English Only Policy
   ㆍ Boomerang activities

Choice of English Courses...
   ㆍ Academic English - Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3
   ㆍ Intensive Academic English
   ㆍ General English
   ㆍ General English Evening Classes
   ㆍ Evening Cambridge Preparation
   ㆍ IELTS Exam Preparation
   ㆍ Pearson Exam Preparation
   ㆍ Business English
   ㆍ English for Teaching Children
   ㆍ English for Teaching Teenagers
   ㆍ English for TESOL + TKT
   ㆍ Certificate IV in TESOL
   ㆍ English for Work
   ㆍ Workforce Training

학교위치 Navitas English Sydney Hyde Park, 255 Elizabeth Street, Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia

연락처 TEL : 61-2-8246-6800
FAX : 61-2-8246-6880

가까운공항시드니공항이 차로 약20분 거리에 위치하고 있습니다.

  • General English
    General English 1, 2 and 3

    Navitas English General English Program is a perfect preparation for students who wish to improve their all-round language skills. With a strong focus on the four core skills of listening, reading, writing and speaking, General English students will find their English improving really quickly.

    Students will be taught how to use English in real life situations, they will learn the necessary language skills and gain the confidence to travel and work in Australia amongst native English speakers.

    Navitas English offers it's General English courses in all locations around Australia. Whether you want to study in a vibrant city like Sydney or in a tropical paradise like Darwin or Brisbane, Navitas English has a program to suit your study needs.

    General English 1, 2 and 3 Fact File
    ㆍDuration: 1-20 weeks
    ㆍCertification: Navitas English certificates with CEFR levels give global recognition
    ㆍHours per week: 20 hours of small-group classes, plus 5 hours myStudy
    ㆍTimetable: 8.20am to 2.30pm (Day) / 4.40pm to 9.00pm (Evening) * Timetables are subject to change.
    ㆍMinimum age: 16 years
    ㆍEntry level: Navitas English enrols you in the right General English course for the level given on your application
    ㆍLocations: All Navitas English centres

    Why this English course is the best choice for you
    ㆍStart any Monday
    ㆍLearn with Australia’s number one English network*
    ㆍLearn with professional teaches in small, intensive classes
    ㆍLearn with myStudy and take your learning into the real world
    ㆍNavitas English will enrol you in the right General English course for your stated/estimated English level
    대상나이 : 16세 이상
    주당레슨 : 25시간
    한반명수 : 18명
  • Cambridge Exam Preparation
    Cambridge Exam Preparation Courses

    Cambridge exams are the world’s leading English language qualifications, recognized and respected for over 150 years by companies, universities and governments across the globe.

    Navitas English Cambridge Exam Preparation will provide you with the listening, speaking, reading and writing skills you need to achieve the best results possible.

    Cambridge exams are designed to:
    ㆍBuild the skills essential for international communication in the real world
    ㆍCreate new opportunities for work, study and travel on every continent
    ㆍCertify your English with the global experts in language assessment

    Fact File
    ㆍTimetable: 10:25am - 4:35pm
    ㆍHours per week: 20 + 5 hours’ exam practice
    ㆍStart date: Many start dates available
    ㆍDuration: 6-12 weeks depending on the program chosen
    ㆍMaximum class size: 15 (average 12)
    ㆍMinimum age: 16 years
    ㆍLevels: PET (Intermediate), FCE (Upper Intermediate), CAE (Advanced), CPE (Proficiency)
    ㆍAvailability: Navitas English centres in Sydney, Bondi, Manly, Brisbane, Cairns, Perth and Hawthorn-Melbourne

    Notes: Test results are released approx. 3 weeks after the exam date for Computer-Based tests and approx. 12 weeks after the exam date for Paper-Based tests. Pre-entry qualifying test required to guarantee a place

    Worldwide Recognition - Definitions

    PET - Preliminary English Test: for people who can use everyday written and spoken English at an intermediate level.
    FCE - First Certificate in English: for people who can use everyday written and spoken English at an upper-intermediate level.
    CAE - Certificate in Advanced English: high-level qualification that is officially recognised by universities, employers and governments around the world.
    CPE - Certificate of Proficiency in English: Cambridge most advanced exam which is aimed at people who use English for professional or study purposes.
    대상나이 : 17세 이상
    주당레슨 : 26시간
    한반명수 : 19명
  • Academic English Program
    Academic English

    Navitas English's Academic English courses are designed to prepare students for further study at university or college in Australia.

    Academic English - Level 1 Fact File
    ㆍCourse duration: 10 weeks
    ㆍMaximum class size: 18 students
    ㆍHours per week: 20 hours face-to-face teaching, plus 5 hours supervised self-access
    ㆍMinimum age: 16 years old
    ㆍLocations: Navitas English centres in Sydney and Singapore
    ㆍMinimum entry requirements:
    - IELTS 4.5, writing 4.5 (academic), other skills 4.0
    - TOEFL PBT 475 (writing minimum TWE 3.5)
    - iBT 53 (writing 17-18) or Navitas English entry test
    - PTE 30 (writing minimum 30, other skills 24)

    Academic English - Level 2 Fact File
    ㆍCourse duration: 10 weeks
    ㆍMaximum class size: 18 students
    ㆍHours per week: 20 hours face-to-face teaching, plus 5 hours supervised self-access
    ㆍMinimum age: 16 years old
    ㆍLocations: Navitas English centres in Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Darwin, Singapore
    ㆍMinimum entry requirements:
    - IELTS 5.0, writing 5.0 (academic), other skills 4.5
    - TOEFL PBT 500 (writing minimum TWE 4.0)
    - iBT 61 (writing 17-18) or sucessful completion of Academic English - Level 1, or Navitas English entry test
    - PTE 36 (writing minimum 36, other skills 30)

    Academic English - Level 3 Fact File
    ㆍCourse duration: 10 weeks
    ㆍMaximum class size: 18 students
    ㆍHours per week: 20 hours face-to-face teaching, plus 5 hours supervised self-access
    ㆍMinimum age: 16 years old
    ㆍLocations: Navitas English centres in Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Darwin, Singapore
    ㆍMinimum entry requirements:
    - IELTS 5.5, writing 5.5 (academic), other skills 5.0
    - TOEFL PBT 525 (writing minimum TWE 5.0)
    - iBT 71 (writing 17-18) or sucessful completion of Academic English - Level 2, or Navitas English entry test
    - PTE 42 (writing minimum 42, other skills 36)
    대상나이 : 16세 이상
    주당레슨 : 25시간
    한반명수 : 18명
  • IELTS Preparation
    IELTS Exam Preparation

    The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is the fastest-growing English test in the world and is widely accepted for entry into higher education, professional bodies - and for visa application through Australian immigration.

    Graded from band 1 (non user) to band 9 (expert user), IELTS tests the four skills areas and these combined provide an overall 'band score'.

    Universities and education instutions normally require an overall band score of between 6.0 and 7.5.

    Fact File
    ㆍTimetable: 10:25am - 4:35pm
    ㆍHours per week: 20 + 5 hours' exam practice
    ㆍStart dates: Many start dates available
    ㆍDuration: 8 weeks
    ㆍMaximum class size: 15
    ㆍMinimum English level: Intermediate
    ㆍMinimum age: 16 years old
    ㆍAvailabilty: Navitas English centres in Sydney, Bondi, Manly, Brisbane, Cairns, Perth, Singapore and Hawthorn-Melbourne

    Notes: IELTS test taken at nearest test centre. Test results are released approximately two weeks after the test. In Sydney, the test is taken at our own approved IELTS test centre. Pre-entry qualifying test required to guarantee a place on the course

    5 Reasons to Join IELTS Exam Preparation Course
    ㆍIntensive course to maximise your IELTS score
    ㆍFocus on all key skills areas: speaking, listening, reading and writing
    ㆍTest techniques taught by experienced IELTS teachers
    ㆍExam practice sessions included
    ㆍIn Sydney, take the test at our own Navitas English IELTS Test Centre
    대상나이 : 16세 이상
    주당레슨 : 25시간
    한반명수 : 18명
  • Navitas English 시드니 & 퍼스 캠퍼스 (프로모션 1085)
    프로그램 : 오전반 & 저녁반 과정-일반영어, 진학영어, 캠브리지, 아이엘츠 (모든과정)
    등록기간 : 2025-02-03~2025-05-30




    . 모든 비자 소지자 해당

    . 25년 2월 3일-5월 30일까지 등록 시 적용

    . Academic English, Cambridge and IELTS Preparation Course(s)

    . 25년 6월 30일까지 비용 완납 조건

    . 25년 10월 6일까지 수업 시작 조건

    . 다른 장학혜택과 중복 적용 불가