
Atlantic Language School-Galway

  • - 위치 : 도시지역
  • - 운영레벨 : 6레벨
  • - 국적비율 : 5%

Atlantic Language Galway is a dynamic, modern, purpose-built school providing English language programmes in a stimulating intellectual environment for a host of international students from all over the world.

Located in the heart of the Galway city, Atlantic Language Galway has a unique attraction for international students, offering not only a quality language learning environment but also an alternative way of life.

The charms of the city, its people and the special character of the West of Ireland all play a role in making our students’ time with us particularly memorable.

학교위치 Fairgreen House, Fairgreen Road Galway, Ireland

연락처 TEL : 353 91 566053
FAX : 353 91 566051

가까운공항더블린 공항

  • Academic Year Programme
    Academic Year Programme

    This course is specifically designed for non EU/EAA students. It consists of Standard General English (GE1) and Intensive General English (GE2) for AYGE2. It is designed for students who are interested in learning or improving the English by concentrating on language learning, listening, reading, writing, speaking as well as grammar. It encourages communicative interaction through pair work, role play etc. in afternoon classes.

    Course Code/Title
    ㆍAYGE1/ Standard Academic Year Programme
    ㆍAYGE2/ Intensive Academic Year Programme

    Learning Outcomes
    ㆍImprove practical knowledge of grammatical structures
    ㆍIncrease your vocabulary
    ㆍEncourage communicative interaction through pair work, role play, etc.
    ㆍFocus on pronunciation, listening comprehension and writing skills

    ㆍAYGE1: 20 Lessons per week
    ㆍAYGE2: 30 lessons per week

    Other details:
    ㆍStart Date: Any Monday
    ㆍCourse Length: Minimum: 25 weeks
    ㆍLevels Available: 6 levels (Beginner A1-Advanced C1)
    주당레슨 : 20/30레슨
  • General English
    General English

    [Intensive General English]

    Including all the elements of Standard General English course, this course complements the work of morning classes with a focus on additional conversation based activities in an afternoon group class. Intensive General English encourages communicative interaction through pair work, role play etc.

    Learning Outcomes
    ㆍImproves practical knowledge of grammatical structures
    ㆍIncreases your vocabulary
    ㆍEncourages communicative interaction through pair work, role play, etc.
    ㆍFocuses on pronunciation, listening comprehension, writing skills
    ㆍCommunication focused classes in the afternoons

    ㆍLessons: 30 lessons per week
    ㆍStart Date: Any Monday
    ㆍCourse Length: Minimum: 2 weeks
    ㆍLevels Available: 6 levels (Beginner A1-Advanced C1)

    [Standard General English]

    The Standard General English course is structured to provide a solid grounding and improvement in the core language skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking. This course is offered in the morning class periods, is open to students from elementary to advanced level and focuses on a communicative approach to learning.

    Learning Outcomes:
    ㆍImprove practical knowledge of grammatical structures
    ㆍIncrease your vocabulary
    ㆍEncourage communicative interaction through pair work, role play, etc.
    ㆍFocus on pronunciation, listening comprehension and writing skills

    ㆍLessons: 20 lessons per week
    ㆍStart Date: Any Monday
    ㆍCourse Length: Minimum: 2 weeks
    ㆍLevels Available: 6 levels (Beginner A1-Advanced C1)
    주당레슨 : 20/30레슨
  • General Business English
    General Business English

    General Business English is designed specifically for students who are interested in developing their general English language skills for business purposes The course combines group Standard General English morning classes with a business elective, focusing on a syllabus of business topics including sales, ordering and marketing.

    ㆍLessons: 30 lessons per week (20 General English + 10 Business English)
    ㆍStart Date: Any Monday
    ㆍCourse Length: Minimum: 2 weeks
    ㆍLevels Available: 3 levels (Intermediate B1-Advanced C1)

    Learning Outcomes
    Speak more accurately and fluently in business situations, such as giving presentations and through simulated business telephone calls, where students practise using the telephone effectively. Also participate more successfully in meetings and negotiations through examining case studies and role plays on a range of topics, (including management, teamwork, communication, marketing, leadership, customer service and many more).

    Improve your written English through writing business emails and letters, look at recruitment practice and procedures, including writing CVs, letters of application and mock interview practice

    Expand your business vocabulary and business grammar through continuous language feedback and increase your confidence to socialise and network in business-type situations including meeting and greeting visitors, socialising and small talk.
    주당레슨 : 주30레슨
  • Cambridge Exam Preparation
    Cambridge Exam Preparation

    These courses are specifically focussed on preparing candidates to successfully complete either the FCE or CAE examinations which take place on scheduled dates each year. Students can choose courses running for either 13 or 4 weeks in total.

    Once you have been accepted to the course you will not be able to change your course to General English. Course dates are subject to change and are linked to the published by the UCELS on their website www.cambridgeesol.org.

    Accommodation should be booked for one week extra in order to attend the examination.

    ㆍDetails: 20 lessons per week / 13 Weeks
    ㆍLevel Requirement: Minimum strong B1 Intermediate

    ㆍDetails: 20 lessons per week / 13 Weeks
    ㆍLevel Requirement: Minimum B2 Upper Intermediate

    ㆍDetails: 30 lessons per week / 4 Weeks
    ㆍLevel Requirement: Minimum B2 Upper Intermediate

    ㆍDetails: 30 lessons per week / 4 Weeks
    ㆍLevel Requirement: Minimum C1 Advanced
    주당레슨 : 20/30레슨
  • IELTS Exam Preparation
    IELTS Exam Preparation

    This course focuses on examination techniques and skills to successfully complete the IELTS examination which take place on scheduled dates.

    Course Code/Title
    ㆍIELTSs/ Standard IELTS Exam Preparation
    ㆍIELTSi/ Intensive IELTS Exam Preparation

    ㆍIELTS: 20 lessons per week
    ㆍIELTS: 30 lessons per week

    Start Date: Any Monday

    Course Length: Minimum: 2 weeks

    Level Requirement: Minimum strong B1 Intermediate
    주당레슨 : 20/30레슨
  • English Programme for Teachers
    English Programme for Teachers

    English Programme for Primary Teachers
    This course is designed to help participating primary school teachers to improve their own English language skills while re-energising their approach to teaching English to children. Teachers will engage with other teachers of young learners and share best practice on all aspects of developing English language-learning for children. The course combines language skills classes to develop the linguistic abilities of participants with modules focused on demonstrating effective methodologies for teaching young learners. The programme also includes an opportunity to observe Irish teachers of English working with children of different nationalities in Atlantic’s summer school for young learners.

    Duration: 2 weeks
    Lessons: 18 hours of class per weeks

    ㆍProvide quality training by highly qualified and experienced teacher trainers
    ㆍExplore and practice the best methods designed to teach English to young learners
    ㆍReview and share teacher’s classroom experiences
    ㆍProvide very practical teaching ideas and new interactive techniques
    ㆍRefresh participants’ English language skills through intensive English language practice
    ㆍExplore aspects of modern Irish life and culture

    ㆍAdvanced Language Analysis: grammar, register, authentic language, pronunciation
    ㆍMethodology: lesson planning, skills, communication
    ㆍWorkshops: exploring interactive teaching methods through games, story-telling and technology; teaching
    ㆍobservation and micro-teaching to put new techniques into practice.
    ㆍCourse content can be adjusted depending on the needs and objectives of the participating teacher

    Refresher Course for English Language Teachers
    Our One-Week Refresher Course is designed for non-native teachers of English who wish to energise their teaching with some fresh techniques and approaches, while practising their own language skills. The course will explore modern interactive methods of teaching guaranteed to get students interested and motivated to learn. Teachers can expect to bring home a range of ideas that will inject new life into their classrooms.

    Duration: 1 week
    Lessons: 18 hours of class per weeks

    Our One-Week Refresher Course is designed for non-native teachers of English who wish to energise their teaching with some fresh techniques and approaches, while practising their own language skills. The course will explore modern interactive methods of teaching guaranteed to get students interested and motivated to learn. Teachers can expect to bring home a range of ideas that will inject new life into their classrooms.

    ㆍProvide quality training by highly qualified and experienced teacher trainers
    ㆍExplore the latest interactive methods, focusing on their practical application to teaching contemporary English
    ㆍReview and share teacher’s classroom experiences
    ㆍProvide very practical teaching ideas and new techniques
    ㆍRefresh participants’ English language skills through intensive English language practice
    ㆍPractice skills with reference to Irish culture and society

    ㆍMethodology: lesson planning, skills, communication
    ㆍAdvanced Language Analysis: grammar, register, authentic language, pronunciation
    ㆍWorkshops: exploring interactive teaching methods through games, role-play, using video, internet
    and other cultural media to enhance speaking, reading and listening skills

    Course content can be adjusted depending on the needs and objectives of the participating teachers.
    주당레슨 : 18시간
  • University Foundation Programme
    University Foundation Programme

    Undrergraduate Foundation Programme
    ㆍUndrergraduate Foundation Business
    ㆍUndrergraduate Foundation Engineering
    ㆍUndrergraduate Foundation Science

    This is an Undergraduate Foundation Programme with two central yet integrated objectives. The first of these is the development of students' English language competences and associated skills to a level to enable them to succeed in their pursuit of an undergraduate programme of study at an English-speaking university. Secondly, the students' academic abilities and experience will be developed appropriate to their stream of academic interest through pursuing a programme of related study. In achieving these objectives, the programme also seeks to enable students as independent and motivated learners, conscious of their competences and mindful of the challenges they face in their abilities. Finally, the Undergraduate Foundation Programme incorporates methods to overcome these challenges.

    Entry Requirements
    Minimum IELTS 5.0 with no individual component less than 4.5 from a registered IELTS testing centre;
    Completed 12 years of schooling.

    Pre Masters Foundation
    ㆍPre Masters Foundation in Business
    ㆍPre Masters Foundation in Health Science
    ㆍPre Masters Foundation in Mathematical Science
    ㆍPre Masters Foundation in IT

    Pursuing a successful academic programme at Master’s level in an English-language university places considerable demands on the student. It is necessary to follow academic lectures, to be able to take notes, to form opinions and communicate these in contributions to debates and seminars. Critical reading skills allied with the capability to analyse, synthesise and critique arguments or positions and to present or represent research or opinions in writing through essays and dissertations are also essential. At this level of study, it is necessary for a student to be aware of the many conventions which apply to academic work. The Pre-Masters Foundation Programme at Atlantic Language Dublin and Galway is designed to enable students achieve success in their realm of study. Equipping students with the academic language and skills, the programme builds on existing capabilities and helps participants to grow in confidence as they become familiar with the challenges and expectations of the academic environment.
    주당레슨 : 25시간
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