
Worldwide School of English

  • - 경험이 풍부한 교사진, 학생 개개인에 맞춘 수업 방식
  • - 다양한 프로그램 제공
  • - 오클랜드 시내 중심에 위치, 대중교통 접근성 뛰어남
  • - 주중 및 주말에 제공되는 다양한 액티비티
  • - 종합적인 학생 지원 서비스
  • - 위치 : 도시지역
  • - 한반정원 : 8명
  • - 운영레벨 : 7레벨
  • - 국적비율 : 10%

Worldwide School of English(이하 Worldwide)는 오클랜드 중심가에 위치한 영어 학원입니다. 저희 학원에서는 일반영어 7개 과정(최소 연령16세)으로 한 학급 당 최대인원은 14명입니다. 저희 교육과정에는 BEC Business English 코스, Cambridge FCE/CAE, IELTS, TOEIC Exam Preparation Class가 포함됩니다. 또한 16세 미만 학생을 대상으로한 Tour Group Programme과 16세 미만의 프로그램을 현지 공립학교와 연계하여 운영하고 있습니다.

모든 학습 자료는 학생들에게 무료로 제공됩니다. 저희는 한 권의 교과서만을 사용하지 않으며, 각 레벨 별로 국제적으로 공인된 다양한 교과서들을 사용하는 특별 커리큘럼을 개발해왔기 때문에, 교과서뿐만 아니라, 비디오, 잡지, 테이프, 컴퓨터 프로그램, 신문과 Worldwide에서 자체 개발한 여러 자료들을 사용하고 있습니다.

오후 일반 영어 수업은 오전 수업보다 유창성을 기르는데 훨씬 더 중점을 두고 있습니다. 흥미로운 다양한 주제들에 관한 조별, 집단 토론과 일상 영어에 사용되는 듣기 능력을 향상시키기 위한 연습 활동이 상당량 이루어집니다. 매주 금요일 오후에 학생들은 자유로이 Worldwide의 영화관에서 무료 영화 감상, 회화 수업, IELTS, 기타 활동 중 하나를 선택할 수 있습니다.

Worldwide의 교사들은 영어를 모국어로 사용하는, 뉴질랜드, 미국, 영국, 호주, 캐나다와 남아프리카 공화국 출신들입니다. 본교에서는 약 30개 국가들에서 온 타국의 학생들과 함께 영어를 배우고, 말할 수 있습니다. Worldwide에서는 국제적인 영어를 진정으로 배우고 경험할 수 있는 멋진 기회가 있습니다. 체코, 베트남, 브라질, 중국, 일본, 독일, 콜롬비아 학생들과 대화하고 교류하는 것은 여러분들의 영어 실력을 훨씬 더욱더 향상 시킬 수 있도록 해 줄 것입니다 또한 Worldwide는 농장 체험, 인턴쉽 프로그램뿐 아니라 영어 공부와 함께 여름 스포츠인 다이빙, 세일링, 파도타기 등을 즐길 수 있는 과정도 있습니다. 여행을 하면서 공부도 함께 할 수 있도록 Napier, Christchurch, Queenstown에 있는 Worldwide의 자매 학교와 연계하여 “Combo Course”를 제공합니다. 다양한 방과 후 프로그램과 주말 여행 역시 구성되어 있습니다.

우리 Worldwide는 NZQA에 등록되어 있습니다. 무선 인터넷인 Hotspot과 더불어 무료 이메일과 인터넷을 사용할 수 있는 2개의 컴퓨터실이 있고, 영화 상영실, 도서관/ 영어로 된 소프트웨어와 비디오를 갖춘 컴퓨터와 테이프 스크립트를 갖춘 어학실과 자습을 할 수 있는 Self Access Area/ 시설을 갖추고 있습니다.

Sky TV, 탁구, 게임 등을 즐길 수 있는 레크리에이션 룸과 안락한 의자, 무료 전화를 이용할 수 있는 학생 라운지와 커피와 차를 무료로 이용할 수 있는 주방 시설 역시 완비하고 있습니다. 각국의 언어를 구사하는 카운셀러들과, 공항 픽업, 진학을 위한 상담과 알선 서비스가 Worldwide 학생들에게 무료로 제공됩니다.

Worldwide는 뉴질랜드 가정의 홈스테이를 제공하고 있으며, 저희 Worldwide는 홈스테이 가정들을 면밀히 검토하고 엄선합니다. 뿐만 아니라 뉴마켓 지역에 Worldwide 기숙사인 Worldwide House를 운영하고 있어 여러 나라의 학생들과 공동체 생활의 경험도 하실 수 있습니다.

학교위치 80 Anzac Avenue, Auckland 1010 New Zealand

연락처 TEL : 64-9-302-5288

가까운공항Auckland 공항이 20km 거리

  • General English
    General English

    Morning classes
    From 9am to 12.15pm Monday to Friday

    Students can start on any Monday for General English and IELTS classes. We usually offer 7 General English levels: Beginner, Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate, Advanced and Proficiency. Students are tested and placed carefully into their correct level on their first day at school. Students move up when they have passed the required skills tests. These tests are given on the first and third Wednesday of each month in two of the four skills: reading/speaking and writing/listening. In addition, teachers give regular grammar and vocabulary assessments. At each level we teach essential grammar, vocabulary, functions and we improve students' writing and reading skills. Students also receive a lot of listening and speaking practice and teachers encourage students to practise their speaking, give opinions and ask questions. 1 week is our minimum course length.

    Afternoon classes
    From 1.30 to 3.30pm Monday to Thursday with Friday options.

    General English afternoon classes have even more speaking and listening. There is a lot of pair and group work, discussions on varied and interesting topics, fluency activities, songs, videos/dvds, vocabulary and exercises to improve speaking and listening skills used in everyday English.
    (Afternoon ONLY classes are not possible)

    Friday afternoon options

    Every Friday afternoon, full-time General English students can choose from a special class (conversation or grammar or writing or pronunciation), an IELTS or TOEIC practice test or an out of school activity. Part-time morning only students can join the activity but not the other options. All students need to sign up to join these options by Thursday 4pm. The activity options are an extra cost. We try to select low cost activities, usually from NZ$10 but sometimes we offer more expensive activities for around NZ$50. The school library is also open for students wishing to study independently after class hours.
    주당레슨 : 15/25시간
    한반명수 : 8명
  • IELTS Preparation Course
    IELTS Preparation Course

    We run 2 kinds of IELTS classes at Worldwide School:
    - IELTS Preparation and Intensive IELTS

    The IELTS preparation class at Worldwide School is offered for full time students and is available to start every Monday. This course is at the same tuition rate as General English and there is no extra fee for course material.

    The Intensive IELTS class at Worldwide School is offered in 8 week cycles and it is strongly recommended that students enrol for the full 8 weeks. Course intakes are week 1 and week 5 and the minimum booking period is 4 weeks. Students must study full time.

    This course is at the same tuition rate as General English but students are required to buy an IELTS text book.

    Both are full-time classes open to students who are from Intermediate to Advanced level. IELTS preparation is for students who are not yet upper-intermediate level and ready for Academic English, but are interested in a more academic English focus with their studies and possibly doing the IELTS exam in the future. This course will be suitable for Intermediate level students.

    Intensive IELTS is for students requiring an IELTS score of 5.0 to 6.5 or more and want to take the exam at the end of the course.
    The IELTS exam is produced by Cambridge ESOL and is available at least monthly in Auckland.

    Our classes run from Monday to Friday Students are also expected to sign up for practice tests on a Friday afternoon.

    The Intensive IELTS class has 5 main aims:

    ㆍto give students a thorough overview of the IELTS exam format
    ㆍto give students opportunities to practise IELTS tasks and example questions
    ㆍto improve students’ overall proficiency by developing reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills
    ㆍto build students’ knowledge of vocabulary specific to the IELTS exam
    ㆍto review the grammar necessary for students to perform well in IELTS

    Students wishing to do IELTS preparation outside these dates can choose the Self Access option and study in the Library.

    Offshore pretests are available.

    * IELTS courses may have higher class maximums than other classes at Worldwide School.
    한반명수 : 10-15명
  • TOEIC Preparation Course
    TOEIC Preparation Course

    Worldwide School offers TOEIC preparation classes as part of its afternoon options (all students study in General English classes in the morning). This class is open to Intermediate to Advanced level students. We have a pretest available if students would like to know their level or suitability for this programme before arriving in New Zealand. The TOEIC exam is produced by ETS and is available fortnightly in Auckland at a cost of NZ$190.00. Students also need to pay for the TOEIC textbook before commencing the programme (NZ$70.00). The school Library has a lot of TOEIC practice materials so students who are taking the test are encouraged to study by themselves outside of class times as well. Full TOEIC practice tests are offered Friday on afternoons, free of charge. A minimum of 6 students is required to run this class.
  • Business English
    Business English

    Business English is a General English AFTERNOON OPTION (10 hours per week including practice tests) for higher level students who usually take it as part of a full-time intensive class. The fees are the same as Intensive English full time. We prefer students take the whole class but less is possible. If students wish to take the BEC exam, they must sign up for the entire 10 week class.

    Our Business English course follows the BEC Vantage curriculum.

    Subjects that the class covers include writing memos, emails, letters and faxes; business vocabulary, using the telephone and internet for business and using business documents and forms. Speaking is an important part of the class. Students will learn how to introduce themselves, how to talk in front of a group and how to discuss a product or a business topic and how to write and deliver a business presentation.

    Students will also learn how different kinds of businesses are organised and run. This class is highly recommended for anyone who wants to use English for their job or study for a business diploma/degree in the future.

    We can prepare students to take the internationally recognised BEC (Business English Certificate) exam. The BEC exams are a part of the Cambridge ESOL test suite and are currently recognised in over 19 countries. There are three BEC exams - BEC Preliminary (Intermediate), BEC Vantage (Upper-Intermediate) and BEC Higher (Advanced-Proficiency), which are designed to test.

    * When available, the BEC exam is recommended, but not compulsory.
    * Offshore pretests are available for agents.
  • Cambridge Exam Preparation (FCE and CAE)
    Cambridge Exam Preparation (FCE and CAE)

    Worldwide School is also a Cambridge testing centre. It means students can do the exam at Worldwide School.

    We prepare students to take the internationally recognised Cambridge English exams.

    We guarantee FCE and CAE classes at set times during the year. They are available four times a year. CPE is not guaranteed. You have the option of joining the CAE class in the morning and receiving 1-1 assistance in the Library in the afternoon if CPE numbers are insufficient (MIN 6) to run a class.

    Students are also required to have an Advanced English dictionary.

    Offshore pretests are available.
  • English plus Internship Courses
    English plus Internship Courses

    Internship and volunteer working experience in New Zealand. Internships for international students in New Zealand.

    This option is available for students who need or would like to do voluntary work experience and would like to do it in New Zealand. Students need to contact Worldwide School or their agent before enrolling so that their appropriateness for this programme can be assessed.

    After a period of English study, which will vary depending on the ability of the applicant (minimum 4 weeks full time), the student will be placed as an intern in a New Zealand firm, relevant to their study, for up to a maximum of 5 months. A high level of English is required.

    Our Internship programme is operated on a case by case basis, which means that an applicant must first send an application to Worldwide school. This should include:

    ㆍSector they wish to do an Internship. They should include more than one Internship possibility.
    ㆍCV of applicant - including previous work experience and study.
    ㆍTime of year they would like to come and length of English study and Internship.

    This is all that is needed initially. The alternative is to complete the application form for Worldwide School and send this along with a basic CV.

    Once we have accepted the applicant at Worldwide School:

    References from the applicant's University, school or employer should be sent. In business and professional positions, it is necessary the student have at least one reference from an employer, including what they did during the job or internship.

    It is necessary for the host company to interview the student before a placement is confirmed. This is as much for the student as for the company because it is a chance for them to see if the project and placement is suitable for them.

    It is very important that our internship applicant's understand that the Host Company will ask them to complete tasks not directly related to their degree. For example; a marketing graduate with typing skills may do some data entry for their company as well as assisting and observing an advertising campaign. It is quite a large commitment for companies to accept a student because they take up time of at least one staff member, and if the Intern is taking some of the workload, the programme benefits the company as well as the Intern.

    As each student’s application is individually assessed, an area not included with the placement possibilities list may still be possible. The exception is Medicine. Under New Zealand law Internship's in medicine are not allowed.
  • English Plus Farm Experience & Farm Holiday
    English Plus Farm Experience and Holiday

    • Experience the real New Zealand
    • Live with a farm Family
    • Learn how a farm works
    • Enjoy the great farm lifestyle

    Do you want a farm experience or a farm holiday in New Zealand?

    At Worldwide School we offer TWO farm programmes: Farm Experience or Farm Holiday.

    Farm experience follows a 4 week minimum English course at Worldwide. At the farm students must work in return for food and accommodation.
    Students need a minimum English level of Intermediate (level 4). If not we cannot guarantee a farm placement after arrival.

    Farm holiday follows a 1 week minimum English course at Worldwide. At the farm students have a 1 week holiday with all included.

    After the English course with us or during your holidays Worldwide School will arrange your farm experience or farm holiday.

    Farm Experience programme:
    You can choose what part of New Zealand you would like to visit, what kind of farm you would like to live on and how long you would like to stay, from three days to two weeks ( we cannot arrange a farm for more than 2 weeks. This is because as the farmer does not know you he will not accept a longer booking. However once at the farm and you are both happy you may be able to arrange an extension to your stay).

    You need to be healthy and strong and able to help the farmer while you stay there. This option is not a holiday, it is an EXPERIENCE!

    You must study a minimum of 4 weeks full time at Worldwide School before we will arrange your farm for you.
    The Farm Experience placement fee includes booking one farm, arranging transportation and assisting with any problems.
  • English Plus Flight Attendant
    English Plus Flight Attendant

    Worldwide School and Travel Careers & Training are happy to offer: English PLUS International Flight Attendant Training in New Zealand.

    Do you want to work as an international flight attendant?
    We have the perfect combination of courses for you.

    First you need good English. Second you need to do an International Flight Attendant training course.
    >Twelve Week Course

    This 12-week course will give you the essential skills required by flight attendants for both domestic and international airlines. It covers Airline & Aviation Knowledge and Specialist Flight Attendant Training, Flight Attendant Preparation, a three day New Zealand field trip, In-flight service and safety and emergency demonstrations. There is also an optional field trip to the Qantas centre in Sydney to practice at their emergency facilities.

    Certificate: International Flight Attendant Qualification.

    International students require a minimum Advanced English level of IELTS 5.5 or TOEFL 500+ and a minimum of 4 weeks full time General English at Worldwide School to enter the International Flight Attendant training course. A much longer English course is recommended first if your English is not an advanced level. Worldwide School has a special "no IELTS" direct entry agreement with TC&T. However you must be a good Upper-Intermediate (level 5) student at Worldwide School to be recommended for direct entry to TC&T courses.
  • English Plus Summer Sports
    English Plus Summer Sports

    PADI Open Water Course: Evening classes (intensive 1 week or less intensive over 3 weeks options) plus one weekend of ocean dives at the end, all equipment, instruction and accommodation on weekend dive (if staying overnight).
    ㆍExtra cost for medical check if you don't already have one.
    ㆍAvailable all year round.
    ㆍPrice depends on type of sailing chosen - please check with Worldwide School

    Surfing is weather and wave dependent and so the surf student will never know exactly when they will surf. We cannot prebook the waves to be good every weekend day. This means for example that some weekends the student may not be able to surf. We use a professional instructor at a Surf School. (Includes: Surfboard, wetsuit, transport and expert instruction)
    ㆍNZ$ 150 (per person per weekend 1 day session)
    - Includes: Weekend 1 day surf sessions (including picnic lunch on the beach).

    ㆍprice depends on type of sailing chosen - please check with Worldwide School
    ㆍStudy: Minimum 4 weeks study

    Accommodation: Homestay or Student apartments
    Start any Monday (October to April)
  • Worldwide 25년 상반기 한국 프로모션
    프로그램 : 풀타임코스
    등록기간 : 2024-12-21~2025-06-30
    시작기간 : 2024-12-21~2025-12-20

  • Worldwide 한국 Flash Promotion
    프로그램 : 풀타임 코스
    등록기간 : 2025-03-10~2025-04-30
    시작기간 : 2025-03-10~2025-12-15