• 3월 밴쿠버 액티비티 & 이벤트 캘린더

    밴쿠버 (2018-03-06)

1. 9일 Deep Cove Tour

North Vancouver 의 명소인 딥코브~ 봄을 맞이하여 밴쿠버 당일 투어가 계획 되어있습니다.

헐리우드 배우들이 자주 찾는다는 허니도넛집과, 아름다운 경치를 한눈에 볼수있는 View Point 까지 둘러볼 예정입니다.

지사에서 신청 받고 있으니, 서둘러 신청해주세요.

2. 23 밴종로 떡볶이 파티 (오후 2)

밴종로표 매콤한 떡볶이 파티가 있습니다.

밴쿠버에서 그리운 한국의 맛을 느껴보세요!

3. Kelly, Jordan선생님과 함께 하는 1:1 튜터!

밴쿠버지사에서 매주 신청 받습니다.

4. 매주 목요일 Free Class (오후 5)

Jordan 선생님과 함께하는 즐거운 Free Conversation!선착순 마감이니 서둘러 신청해주세요.

Western 문화체험의 일환으로 여러 보드게임이 준비되어 있으니 많은 관심 부탁 드립니다.


2~4th Monster Jam
Pacific Coliseum
2901 E Hastings St
Vancouver, BC V5K 5J1 Canada
Monster Jam® is adrenaline-charge family entertainment featuring some of the most recognizable trucks in the world including Grave Digger®, Max-DTM and many more.

Art Gallery (Every Tuesday)

( Takashi Murakami - The Octopus Eats Its Own Leg is a major retrospective exhibition of the monumental paintings of international art icon Takashi Murakami.)
Next door to the Fairmont Hotel Vancouver, the Vancouver Art Gallery is one of Canada’s largest and most significant art galleries. It has a permanent collection of over 10,000 pieces of art, although usually only a tiny percentage is on display at any given time.

Admission to the Vancouver Art Gallery is by donation on Tuesday evenings from 5 to 9 pm.

( Takashi Murakami - The Octopus Eats Its Own Leg is a major retrospective exhibition of the monumental paintings of international art icon Takashi Murakami.)

11th Daylight Savings Day

don’t forget to set your clocks an hour ahead before you go to sleep on Saturday!

17th St. Patrick's Day
St. Patrick’s Day is on March 17th. It remembers St Patrick, a missionary who converted many of Ireland's inhabitants to Christianity in the 5th century. His feast day also celebrates Irish culture.

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